The Last Of Us Game is a survival horror genre. This game about zombies is similar to Resident Evil, differing only in the story, graphics, gameplay, and story line.

The Last of Us is an action adventure survival horror genre game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation 3 console. The game was released starting June 14, 2013 worldwide, while specifically for Japan on June 20. 2013.

Joel must protect Ellie from attacks by creatures infected with cordycep. Cordycep is a type of fungus that usually forms parasites and bodies in insect bodies. Once infected, the victim's mind will be controlled by the parasite, making him look like a zombie.
Minimum PC Specifications
OS : XP (SP3) / Vista (SP2) / 7 (SP1)
RAM : 2 GB
Video Card : 512 MB RAM, Nvidia 7-series, AMD 3000-series
Hard Drive : 14 GB
Recommended PC Specifications
CPU : Quad core Intel Core i5 or i7 processor, or AMD FX 8000 series chip
OS : 7 (64-bit)
RAM : 4 GB
Video Card : 1GB Video RAM, Nvidia 500 / Nvidia 600/ AMD 6000 series
Hard Drive : 14 GB